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Published (Peer-Reviewed)​ (PDF's for most are available through ResearchGate


  1. Walter JA, Thompson LM, Powers SD, Parry D, Agosta SJ, Grayson KL. Growth and development of an invasive forest insect under current and future projected temperature regimes. Ecology and evolution. 2022 Jun;12(6):e9017.

  2. Jahant-Miller, C.J., R. Miller and D. Parry. 2022. Size-dependent flight capacity and propensity in a range-expanding invasive insect. Insect Science. Early Online. DOI 10.1111/1744-7917.12950

  3. Czarnecki, C*., R. Manderino and D. Parry. 2022. Reduced avian predation on UV fluorescing caterpillar models. The Canadian Entomologist. Early online. doi:10.4039/tce.2021.57. * ESF undergraduate paper.

  4. Wybron, M., M. Schlessinger, M. Fierke, J. Frair and D. Parry. 2021. Estimating Abundance and Occupancy of Northern Barrens Tiger Beetles in an Isolated New York Population. Northeastern Naturalist. Northeastern Naturalist 28 (2), 156-168

  5. Leuenberger, W., Cohen, J.B., Rustad, L., Wallin, K.F. and Parry, D., 2021. Short-Term Increase in Abundance of Foliage-Gleaning Insectivorous Birds Following Experimental Ice Storms in a Northern Hardwood Forest. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 3: 566376

  6. Thompson, L.M.,  S.D. Powers, A. Appolon, P. Hafker, L. Milner, D. Parry, A.J. Agosta and K.L. Grayson. 2021. Climate-related geographic variation in performance traits across the invasion front of a widespread nonnative insect. Journal of Biogeography. 48: 405-414

  7. Jahant-Miller, C.J., P.C. Tobin and D. Parry. 2020. Spatial and temporal changes in male gypsy moth wing morphology reflect host tree phenology and habitat quality. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 22(4), pp.390-400.

  8. Bonello, E; Campbell, F; Cipollini, D.; Conrad, A.; Farinas, C.; Gandhi, K; Hain, F; Parry, D.; Showalter, D.; Villari, C.; Wallin, K. 2020. Invasive tree pests devastate ecosystems – Time to fix a flawed response framework.  Frontiers in Forests and Global Change (Authorship alphabetical after first author) (Early Online)

  9. Brown, A.A., A. Newhouse, WA Powell and D. Parry. Comparative Efficacy of Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) Entomopathogens on Transgenic Blight-tolerant and Wild-type American, Chinese, and Hybrid Chestnuts (Fagales: Fagaceae). 2019 Insect Science (Early online) (Impact 2.026).

  10. Friedline, CJ., TM. Faske, EM. Hobson, BM. Lind, D. Parry, RJ. Dyer, DM. Johnson, LM. Thompson, KL. Grayson, and AJ. Eckert. 2019. Evolutionary genomics of gypsy moth populations sampled along a latitudinal gradient. Molecular Ecology 28: 2206-2223 (Impact 6.131).

  11. Faske, TM, LM Thompson, N Banahene, A Levorse, M Quiroga Herrera, K Sherman; SE Timko, B Yang; DR Gray; D Parry; PC Tobin, AJ Eckert; DM Johnson; KL Grayson. 2018. Can gypsy moth stand the heat? A reciprocal transplant experiment with an invasive forest pest across its southern range margin. Biological Invasions 21: 1365-1378 (Impact 3.054).

  12. Leuenberger, W.L., E. Larsen, J. Leuenberger, and D. Parry. 2019. Predation on Plasticine Model Caterpillars: Engaging High School Students using Field-Based Experiential Learning and the Scientific Process. The American Biology Teacher 81:334-339 (Impact 0.32)

  13. Hinman, E., J. Fridely, D. Parry. 2019. Plant defense against generalist herbivores in the forest understory: a phylogenetic comparison of native and invasive species. Biological Invasions, 21: 1269-1281.  (Impact 3.054).

  14. Haynes, K.J, J. Tardif, and D. Parry. 2018. Drought and surface‐level solar radiation predict the severity of outbreaks of a widespread defoliating insect. Ecosphere, 9(8), p.e02387.  (Impact 2.49)

  15. May,  C., N. Hillerbrand, L.M. Thompson, T.M. Faske, E. Martinez, D. Parry, S.J. Agosta, and K.L. Grayson. 2018. Metabolic responses to temperature in northern and southern populations from the North American gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) invasion. Insect Science 18: (Impact 2.026)

  16. Foelker, C.J., M.K. Fierke, D. Parry. 2018. Biotic resistance and the spatiotemporal distribution of an invading woodwasp, Sirex noctilio. Biological Invasions 20: 1991-2003 (Impact 3.054)

  17. Thompson, L. M., Faske, T. M., Banahene, N., Grim, D., Agosta, S. J., Parry, D., & Grayson, K. L. (2017). Variation in growth and developmental responses to supraoptimal temperatures near latitudinal range limits of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (L.), an expanding invasive species. Physiological Entomology 42: 181-190. (Impact 1.36)

  18. Tobin, P.C., Cremers, K.T., Hunt, L. and Parry, D. 2016. All quiet on the western front? Using phenological inference to detect the presence of a latent gypsy moth invasion in Northern Minnesota. Biological Invasions (Impact 3.054)

  19. Foelker, C.J., Standley, C.R., Fierke, M.K., Parry, D. and Whipps, C.M., 2016. Host tissue identification for cryptic hymenopteran parasitoids associated with Sirex noctilio. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 18: 91-94. (Impact 1.76)

  20. Foelker, C.J., Standley, C.R., Parry, D. and Fierke, M.K., 2016. Complex ecological relationships among an assemblage of indigenous hymenopteran parasitoids, the exotic European woodwasp (Sirex noctilio; Hymenoptera: Siricidae), and a native congener. The Canadian Entomologist, pp.1-11. (Impact 1.0)

  21. Grayson, K.L., Parry, D., Faske, T.M., Hamilton, A., Tobin, P.C., Agosta, S.J. and Johnson, D.M., 2015. Performance of wild and laboratory-reared gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Erebidae): a comparison between foliage and artificial diet. Environmental Entomology, 44: 864-873. (Impact 1.61)

  22. Standley, C.R., Hoebeke, E.R., Parry, D., Allen, D.C. and Fierke, M.K., 2012. Detection and identification of two new native hymenopteran parasitoids of the exotic Sirex noctilio in North America. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 114: 238-249. (Impact 0.53)

  23. Post, K.H. and D. Parry. 2011. Non-target effects of transgenic blight-resistant American chestnut (Fagales: Fagaceae) on insect herbivores. Environ. Entomol. 40: 955-963.(Impact 1.61)

  24. Wood, D.M., D. Parry, R.D. Yanai, and N.E. Pitel. 2010. Forest fragmentation and duration of forest tent caterpillar outbreaks in northern hardwood forests. For. Ecol. Managmt. 260:1193-1197. (Impact 3.39)

  25. Parry, D., 2009. Beyond Pandora’s box: quantitatively evaluating non-target effects of parasitoids in classical biological control. Biological invasions, 11(1), pp.47-58. (INVITED PAPER) (Impact 3.054)

  26. Rodenhouse, N.L., L.M. Christenson, D. Parry and L.E. Green. 2009. Climate change effects on native fauna of northeastern forests. Can. J. For. Res. 39:249-263. (Note: invited paper in special climate change issue). (Impact 1.92)

  27. Elkinton, J.S., E, Preisser, G.H. Boettner and D. Parry. 2008. Factors Influencing Larval Survival of the Invasive Browntail Moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in Relict North American Populations. Environ. Entomol. 37: 1429-1437.

  28. Selfridge, J.A., Parry, D. and Boettner, G.H., 2007. Parasitism of barrens buck moth Hemileuca maia Drury in early and late successional pine barrens habitats. J. Lepidopterist Society, 61: 213-19.

  29. Elkinton, J.S., D. Parry and G.H. Boettner. 2006. Implicating an introduced generalist parasitoid in the enigmatic demise of the invasive browntail moth.  Ecology 87: 2664-2672.

  30. Kosola, K.R., Parry, D. and Workmaster, B.A.A., 2006. Responses of condensed tannins in poplar roots to fertilization and gypsy moth defoliation. Tree Physiology, 26(12), pp.1607-1611.

  31. Parry, D. and Goyer, R.A., 2004. Variation in the suitability of host tree species for geographically discrete populations of forest tent caterpillar. Environmental entomology, 33(5), pp.1477-1487.

  32. Parry, D., D.A. Herms and W.J. Mattson. 2003. Responses of an insect folivore and its parasitoids to multiyear experimental defoliation of aspen. Ecology 84: 1768-1783.

  33. Kosola, K.R., D.I. Dickmann and D. Parry. 2002 Carbohydrates in individual poplar fine roots: effects of root age and defoliation. Tree Physiology 22: 741-746. (Impact 3.65)

  34. Agrawal, A.A., Kosola, K.R. and Parry, D., 2002. Gypsy moth defoliation and N fertilization affect hybrid poplar regeneration following coppicing. Canadian journal of forest research, 32(8), pp.1491-1495.

  35. Parry, D., R.A. Goyer & G.J. Lenhard. 2001. Macrogeographic clines in fecundity, reproductive allocation, and offspring size of the forest tent caterpillar Malacosoma disstria. Ecol. Entomol. 26: 281-291.

  36. Kosola, K. R., Dickmann, D. I., Paul, E. A., & Parry, D. (2001). Repeated insect defoliation effects on growth, nitrogen acquisition, carbohydrates, and root demography of poplars. Oecologia, 129(1), 65-74.

  37. Scriber, J.M., Weir, K., Parry, D. and Deering, J., 1999. Using hybrid and backcross larvae of Papilio canadensis and Papilio glaucus to detect induced phytochemical resistance in hybrid poplar trees experimentally defoliated by gypsy moths. Entomologia Experimentalis et applicata, 91: 233-236.

  38. Parry, D., Spence, J.R. and Volney, W.J.A., 1998. Budbreak phenology and natural enemies mediate survival of first-instar forest tent caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae). Environmental Entomology, 27: 1368-1374.

  39. Parry, D., Spence, J. and Volney, W., 1997. Responses of natural enemies to experimentally increased populations of the forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria. Ecological Entomology, 22: 97-108.

  40. Parry, D.  1995. Larval and pupal parasitism of the forest tent caterpillar in Alberta, Canada.  The Canadian Entomologist 127: 877-893.


Non-Peer Reviewed (Book Chapters, Technical Reports, Popular Articles)

Book Chapters

  1. Foelker, C.J. and D. Parry. 2021. Natural enemies: The parasitoid complex attacking Sirex noctilio in North America. In Hajek, A. E., L. J. Haavik and F. M. Stephen, eds. 2021. Biology and Ecology of Sirex noctilio in North America. FHAAST-2019-01. USDA Forest Service, Morgantown, West Virginia

  2. Tobin, P.C., D. Parry, B.H. Aukema. 2014. The Influence of Climate Change on Insect Invasions in Temperate Forest Ecosystems.. In Challenges and Opportunities for the World’s Forests in the 21st century, T. Fanning (ed). Springer-Academic Press.

  3. Parry, D., and S.A. Teale. 2011. Alien Invasions: The Effects of Introduced Species on Forest Structure and Function.  Pp 115-162 in Forest Health: An Integrated Perspective, ed. J. D. Castello and S. A. Teale. Cambridge University Press.  New York, NY. 372 pp.

  4. Parry, D. 2009. Quantitatively Evaluating Non-target Effects of Parasitoids in Classical Biological Control. Pp. 47-58 in D.W. Langor and J. Sweeney, Eds. Ecological Impacts of Non-native Invertebrates and Fungi on Terrestrial Ecosystems. Springer.

  5. Parry, D., Boettner, G.H. and Selfridge, J.A., 2008. -Transmission Line Rights-of-Way as Enemy-Reduced Space for Moths (Lepidoptera). In Environment Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management 8th International Symposium (pp. 541-546).

  6. Parry, D. and McCullough, D.G., 2004. Foliage Feeders in Temperate and Boreal Forests. Pp 107-112 in Burley, J. J. Evans, J.A. Youngquist (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. Elsevier Press. 2400pp.

  7. Dankert, B.A., D.A. Herms, D. Parry, J.M. Scriber & L.A. Haas. 1997. Mediation of interspecific competition between folivores through defoliation induced changes in host quality, pp. 71-88, in A. Raman, ed., Ecology and Evolution of Plant Feeding Insects in Natural and Man-Made Environments.  Backhuys Publishers, The Netherlands. 245 pp.


Technical Reports

  1. Schlesinger, M.D., E.L. White, S.M. Young, G.J. Edinger, K.A. Perkins, N. Schoppmann, and D. Parry. 2016. Biodiversity Inventory of Plum Island, New York. New York Natural Heritage Program. 101 pp.

  2. Parry, D. (Contributing Author). 2011. Changing Climate, Changing Forests: The Impacts of Climate Change on Forests of the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada. K. Rustad, J. Campbell, J.S. Dukes, T, Huntingdon, K. Fallon Lambert, J. Mohan, N. Rodenhouse (Eds). USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station Technical Report NRS-99.

  3. Parry, D. and H.B. Underwood. 2008. A Quantitative Comparison of Pollard-Yates Counts and Distance Sampling for Monitoring Populations of an Endangered Butterfly, Lycaeides melissa samuelis. State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation. 32pp.

  4. Parry, D., Volney, W.J.A. and Currie, C.R., 1997. The relationship between trembling aspen phenology and larval development of the large aspen tortrix (Vol. 350).

  5. Williams, D.J.M., Parry, D. and Langor, D.W., 1996. Sampling and identification of forest tent caterpillar parasitoids in the prairie provinces (Vol. 345).


Invited Book Reviews

Parry, D. 2007. Review: Wagner, D. Guide to the Lepidoptera of Eastern North America. Quarterly Review of Biology. 82: 60

Parry D. 2006.  Review: Janzen, D. Caterpillars of Costa Rica.  Quarterly Review of Biology 81: 70.

Popular Articles

  1. Parry, D. 2017. Back so Soon? Forest Tent Caterpillar on the Rise. The New York Pure Pipeline. Vol.1(2) 1-5. (Newsletter for NY Maple Syrup Growers)

  2. Parry, D. 2017. Back so Soon?  2017. New York Forest Owner 55(5) 3-5

  3. Parry, D. 2013. Return of the Gypsy’s. New York Forest Owner 51(5) 14-16

  4. Parry, D. 2010. Got the Tent Caterpillar Blues. New York Forest Owner 48(6) 12-14



CONTACT ME: Dylan Parry

Address:       State University of New York

College of Environmental Science and Forestry
1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone:    315-470-6753

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