Lab Members
Me - Dylan Parry, PhD
Professor, Biology

Failing to find a plot marker in a dense growth of invasive water chestnut

Rea Manderino ready to release sentinel Polyphemus larvae
Graduate Students (Current)
Evelyn Pae (MS Student)
David Harris (PhD) Student)
Christopher Johnston (MS Student)
Laura Stark (MS Student)

Neil Schoppmann setting up for another night of light trapping
Undergraduate Students (Current)
Dave Haines
Ross Rubin

Colleen O'Connell ID's a sphinx moth caterpillar

Georgia Keene monitoring populations of the threatened barrens buck moth

Intellectual discussion ;-) after a hard day

McKenzie Wybron attaches a number to a tiger beetle
Chelsea Jahant-Miller measuring yet another tree
Grad Students (Past)
Fate Syewoangnuan
Eric Swiecki
Rea Manderino
Chelsea Jahant-Miller
McKenzie Wybron
Aaron Brown
David Nesbitt
Wendy Leuenberger
Neil Schoppman
Georgia Keene
Kara Gonzales
Chris Standley
Dustin Woods
Brian Hoven
Keith Post
Phil Barber
Nicole Werner
Jennifer Selfridge
Undergrads (Past)
Honors Theses
Samatha Hollister
Graham Tuttle
Independent Research
Emily Booth
Jeanne Wu
Annarose Quinn
Chapin Czarnecki
Emma Livingstone
Sierra Goetz
Audrey Hamilton
Brian Hoven
Colleen O'Connell
Dylan Finan
Louise Potter
Andres Garzon

Brian Hoven and hydroaxe for prepping our pine barrens restoration sites

Chapin Czarnecky and Rea Manderino: tree inventory in the Adirondacks

Emma Livingstone recovers a sentinel caterpillar

Wendy Leuenberger measuring ice accretion for a simulated ice storm at Hubbard Brook LTER

Jen Selfridge installing a bird exclusion cage